Pa: 地鐵的電梯繁忙時無法及時疏導人群 十年前提出左行右企。實有幫助。 今時又呼籲dont run don’t walk 曖昧 而不負責任 之言行 也是極具創意的

C: I think it is because an accident happened with SOME people so they changed it to ban ALL people from doing something that would have even a possibility of causing an accident. Like at uni dormitories, they ban all candles and even owning candles but not lighting them, because there were some people who were careless enough to cause a fire in the past.

C: The mistake of some people causes all people to lose the same privilege under a 斬腳趾避沙蟲 concept

A: 其实现在有一個極大的危机,在擁挤的時候,有些人在扶手电梯的 出口 処站立看手机,而电梯把人群源源不绝送出,站立于出口处的人形成一個障礙,是極易做成人踩人的場面的😨😨

A: 扶手电梯 ‘下行 ‘ 出口处应設像 ‘交通黄格’ 不淮仃留 -旦黄格人群疏散不了,电梯必须減馒直至仃止

Pa: 地鐵內發生的意外 從來沒聽過電梯上因左行右企 而發生意外 反而企得太貼 邊而出事的較多 防範未然是對 但未免太膽小 如 火很危險 難道要叫人不用火。 而且太多人擠迫滯留在電梯口也潛在危機 曖昧處是 一面讓人左行右企 而大家都明白左行右企的方法 在未有更好的方案前是有效的。。最後我覺得 人的質素要改善。。如自私 無知 不顧別人 如過馬路 自已上了行人路就停下來 阻擋後面的人 而危險的是訊號轉為 車行 一些駕車者又急不及待開車 既狼狽 又危險

C: But it says here that running/walking on escalators are discouraged because there are thousands of people being injured.. 😨

Pa: Oh I see thanks

C: But I agree that there are many more notable cases where accidents occur on the edges/gaps, shifts in momentum

C: And also people forgetting that there are more people coming behind them when they get off at the end 😓

Pa: So take care of other too

oktak's Papa

Made in 50s, Papa of his son(his greatest achievement)